Old school Easter eggs.

My Insanely Crazy Experience Installing a Fibreglass Mate for a Sticks Like Sh*tboard!

Screws like sh1t are a universal problem. You can use adhesive, glue, screw and the usual wood glue to fasten your tubes, pipes, wires or anything else you might want to fasten to your wall. These are all fine until you have to deal with a stubborn screw that just won't budge.

We had an electrician as a client who preferred using screwdrivers versus glue. So our first project was to replace a screw in an upstairs bedroom. The electrician was a real go-getter and went out and bought a cordless screwdriver with which to do the job. He wasn't satisfied with the cordless screwdriver so he got another set (this time with an extension cord). Problem solved.

Another person willing to put in some work was a contractor who needed a set of pipes. Unfortunately he didn't know what type of pipe he needed and ended up buying some sticks like sh1t from a hardware store. Once he had them home, he quickly discovered that they would not be quite as effective as he would have preferred. He put the flammable liquid inside one of them and somehow the pipe gave way.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you try to fasten something to your wall without the proper equipment. For example, you may have nails or screws that won't be strong enough to keep the item in place. This is common knowledge and there's nothing you can do about it. This is why we recommend Sikaflex291 glue.

One of the other issues we received after putting the sticks like sh1t on our building site was people asking me questions about installation. After all, I had done it once before and it wasn't anything special. They were pretty amazed that I could actually install the system without any help. They wanted to know if I had bought a screwdriver or a power drill to get the job done.

I did tell them I had a friend with an electric drill bit who did the installation for me. The man I purchased the adhesive from told me the best method for installing it is to use power tactics. https://bestreviewstips.co.uk/contact-adhesives_9289/ Power tactics is a method of applying adhesive to a wooden surface by using an electric drill bit. I told him to take his time and apply just enough to get the surface wired and then he would just hold the bit against the wood until the adhesive fully dried. The adhesive will completely cover the joint if you let it dry properly.

When I called the electrician back to check on the problem, he told me to use an anchor in the ground next to each of the member posts. I thanked him and repeated what I said to the guy who helped me the first time. He replied, "I don't have anything to worry about because if the bolts go bad you can't just pull them out." I thanked him and we both knew fixing options like this are available.

Two weeks later, the electrical repair crew showed up to my house and fixed everything. The biggest surprise for me was the fact they could perform the entire task without using power tools or any kind of drilling equipment. What a relief. So I plugged the screws back in and everything was fine again. Well, until one day my daughter brought home her new electric drill and asked me if I could drill holes in the walls with it. I was glad I could recommend self tapping screws to her because she was installing a room divider in her kitchen.

I explained to her that the best way to do that is to install a splitter to take the power out of the screw hole and direct it to the wall. I would fill the hole with polyurethane foam and allow it to cure overnight. She laughed and said she would fill the hole herself. I guess she realized I wasn't going to drill holes in the walls again and instead she was going to put a splitter in the wall. Great.

A few days later, I noticed that the splitter was sticking out as far as I could see. I poked it a few times but the mate didn't seem to want to come out. Finally I told her to try to force it. In a hurry I threw away the screwdriver I was supposed to use so that she wouldn't end up using a blunt object to poke at the screw. We tried again and she still couldn't get it out.

I retrieved my trusty screwdriver and poked a few more holes so that the nut could slip through. I was now able to screw the screw in by hand. Unfortunately, the stick still wouldn't budge. After staring at the screw for a few minutes, I decided to try using an old rusty pair of pliers to pull on the nut to get it to move. I had actually gotten another fibreglass mate from a friend once and I used it to hold the mate in place while I tapped away at the screw. I was pretty successful, at least I think so since there were no more problems with the floor.
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